GmailJames Driskill <>

Facebook Messages : Why Russell.McClure is placed @Fuckeduphuman

Real Up Human [.net] <>Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 10:39 PM
To: "Russell L. McClure" <>

Mr Russell McClure,

With the Additions of the INDISPUTABLE CALL LOGS
\added to :

[[Persons]/Russell.Mcclure/720-778-6795/ ]

[IMG] Screenshot_2016-03-1..> 12-Mar-2016 17:24  760K  
[IMG] Screenshot_2016-03-1..> 12-Mar-2016 17:33  188K  
[IMG] Screenshot_2016-03-1..> 12-Mar-2016 17:33  178K  
[IMG] Screenshot_2016-03-1..> 12-Mar-2016 17:33  163K  
[IMG] Screenshot_2016-03-1..> 12-Mar-2016 18:33  538K  
[IMG] Screenshot_2016-03-1..> 12-Mar-2016 18:25  264

As is mentioned in the posting :

[ ]

Guwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace

Mpatapo : Knot of Reconciliation / Peace Building [ symbolism Adrinkra ]…/my-personality-as-viewed…

Run Ahead of Me

Monday, December 31, 2007
Mpatapo: Reconciliation and Peacemaking

This image is an Adinkra symbol (a system of symbols from Ghana in West Africa) called mpatapo. It is meant to represent the "knot of pacification/reconciliation," and as such it is the symbol for reconciliation, peacemaking and pacification.

"Mpatapo represents the bond or knot that binds the separate parties in a dispute to a peaceful, harmonious reconciliation. It is a symbol of peacemaking after strife." --from West African Wisdom: Adinkra Symbols & Meanings

I am trying to expand my efforts at teaching conflict resolution throughout the schools where I work and have chosen this symbol as the "badge" to give kids and adults who have successfully learned the principles and have pledged to embody them throughout the school.

My guiding principles are summed up pretty well in the words of a Buddhist nun, so I will let her speak for me:

We need to bring loving-kindness not only into the family but also into the schools. Before I became a nun, I was a schoolteacher, so I have especially strong feelings about this. The most important thing for children to learn is not a lot of information, but how to be kind human beings and how to resolve their conflicts with others in a constructive way. Parents and teachers put a lot of time and money into teaching children science, arithmetic, literature, geography, geology, and computers. But do we ever spend any time teaching them how to be kind? Do we have any courses in kindness? Do we teach kids how to work with their own negative emotions and how to resolve conflicts with others? I think this is much more important than the academic subjects. Why? Children may know a lot, but if they grow up to be unkind, resentful, or greedy adults, their lives will not be happy.


But as adults, these children mentioned above become set into their ways. They do not listen to common wisdoms. They continue to strike out in non-peaceful ways towards others. What will it take for them to react and come back after they have cut and run from a major or even minor offense upon another human being?

This is the answer I have sought to generate that Maptapo BOND in a way that is peaceful, even though it may refer to something extreme.

It does work! Not always, but it has resulted in at least an apology issued from them back to me for their offense. I am sure that sometimes they still are stuck on their mindset after they depart from that point of my life back into their set ways of the life real space domains. I wish this would STICK to the WORLD of PERMANENCE --- Someday. For when they encounter this in true form Mpatapo binding processes either private from the offended party back upon them them -- or public if and/or when necessary, they realize this is the reality of the world, within the science of memetics. They sink down and perhaps really see what they are doing is hurtful. They can no longer do hurtful and hateful things toward others and get away with it in cut and run into a silence to the world of all things to then recycle again the same thing upon another. Our ways of peaceful being can be established in the real time assisted by technology under these domains.

By The Way:

The domain METTA.WS is also held under my domain set of names I carry forward upon this mission. This is two years prior to the celebrity status of METTA WORLD PEACE changing his legal name. Even though these are strickily place markers of time, that I just so happen to hold, this does not make a difference that others actually listen.

Will you open your mind and heart to listen to what is memetically active here?

For the word Muck -- with the first letter as an F -- is more universally understood in more languages than the word for "Peace". This is fact.

So, that is the pivoting point of truth that I am holding on the binding. Sorry, to strike out that this is true. It may not be kind, in a fully METTA way, but it is KIND if they see what the ultimate goal of course is happiness, as the ‪#‎WordsToLiveBy‬ that are under this memespace is defined for the reader from the time these words were originally stated in our humanity in about the year 1780.

I have fully contained the idealism with widsoms we have lost. I am trying to return them back into our mindsets, no matter what age of life one is in, children to adult. These are important ideals to remember back. There is an Adrinkra symbol for that as well. Do know they all work together or don;'t bother using one just one. They are all important. Some of them are defined not so kindly, now are they? But this one is for today and for the past, it must show it's relevance here in my writing these thoughts onto your article. Thank you.

Learning From the Past
Wisdom, Using past experiences to build the future

Se wo were fin a wo sankofa a yennkyi;

It is not a taboo to return to fetch something you forgot earlier on.

Mr McClure: 

I want to share with you the Validity of my domain space onto the world wide memespace noosphere:

Did you know I receive email from Barack Obama, our present of the United States with the following email address:

My most recent email having this domain has this header:

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barack Obama <>
Date: Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 9:48 AM
Subject: I'm proud to be a Democrat, James
To: James Driskill <>

James --

I'm proud to be a Democrat. We believe in moving forward, not backward. We trust scientists when they tell us climate change is real. We trust women to make their own health care decisions. We're the party that champions equality, that fights injustice, and that stands up and speaks out for every voice, no matter how small.


That makes the domain space of real.

For any civic societal purpose I may do deemed fit to use it for, it is real all to the way up the White House to know that I have this domain  --- and I take great care to use this domain space wisely
in regards to all things it represents.

What you must understand Mr. McClure, by these repeated emails, and Facebook messages, I am not harassing you.   Since one thing is for sure, you called me and initiated a conversation with me the other day.  To what purpose you actually placed that call is unimaginable to the character one the other end to first most initiate that conversation as:

Russel McClure :      Address?

James Driskill :          What?

You can deny it all you like -- but with the final first most inception of the call recording that established on that call, it makes the assumption somehow by my reply that this was the staging of this conversation, even though it may not have been captured into that first portion of the actual captured call recording data stream.

Why?   Of course our mobile devices are multi-tasking, and that in the case of this particular call, that particular app for call recording was delayed to innate the recording at point of time call was established --- but it eventually got into the conversation where it did.  If I had to research the actual call time data and relate the offset to the call recording time data code, the difference from time of start to the time call recording starts would be the portion of the call left out of this recording which shows 2mins 28seconds of record time.:

[SND] 7207786795_2016-03-0..> 09-Mar-2016 16:49  575K  

So what you want to proof or disprove of that conversation is this is the basic ideals, any conversation(s) that I receive into this space, via email, sms text,, phone call, or other that does not flow to this basic standardize ideal: ]

Is not a conversation for which I view as real to the truthiness of the person on the other side of the connection.

For I know what are my established posts and ads out on the web reflect -- it reflects a pretty bold statement of sexual proclivities.  But seriously Mr. Mcclure, any one with true intent to respond to those kind of ads do not respond in the manner in which you think.  And even so, when or if they are in that serious sexually intent to hook up mode, as thought it was slam bam thank you sir, goodbye and next calling around here, you would be absolutely in error of your thoughtfulness to what messages anyone encounters here on their first visit --- even before clothes to that extreme are disrobed.

[TXT] Words To Live By.htm    01-Mar-2016 10:27   14K

Words To Live By

Use Seach Meme : #WordsToLiveBy : Facebook : Twitter : Instagram

See Also : Quality Over Quanity - No Hidden Agendas

This space is actually for the truisms of establishing certain parameters in the methodology of CONSENSUAL PRACTICES of how to establish such consent.  There was recent story I do believe on 20/20  and Night-line recently in reference to a group that is holding seminars / workshops on this type of concept.

That is exactly was is defined here --- in this space too.

Discussing Sexual Consent on Campus Amid Backdrop of ...
Feb 27, 2016 - The Consent Debate: College Students, Experts, Activists Discuss Sexual Consent on Campus Amid Backdrop of Alcohol and Hook-up Culture.
Mar 7, 2008 - This "20/20" story original aired on March 7. Tune in Friday, July 18 for John Stossel's special hour on "Sex in America." Twelve years ago ...

Consent on Campus: A 'Nightline' Event: First Look Video ...
Feb 24, 2016
ABC News "Nightline" takes an eye-opening look at sexual assault and consent education on college ...

Video: Can Consent Education Help Prevent Sex Assault ...
Feb 26, 2016
Woman who says she was a victim of sexual assault shares how she reacted, and a father whose son was ...

Consent on Campus: What Does Giving Sexual Consent ...
Feb 26, 2016
Experts, activists and students participate in a "Nightline"-hosted discussion about sexual assault and ...

What Is Sexual Consent?: Discussing Where to Draw the ...
Feb 25, 2016
Sexual assault survivor, a former coach and concerned father, and a trauma psychologist offer their take


You have your HATE HARASSMENT Agenda and I have my CREATE A BETTER COMMUNITY AGENDA onto the ideals that are exposed in this space to all who visit here.

It only takes one of these HATE BASED ATTACKS to go sideways and end up hurting someone --- in a very serious way.

Why have you embarked on a course of IGNORANCE and HATE against me?


I am seeking an FULL AND COMPLETE understanding of what I am doing here in this community and all I receive is HATE BASED communications and closed out minds of people like you who have hidden agendas against me.

Stay in your world of Ignorance --- but do know -- I am not keeping this BINDING KNOT of OURS A SECRET.

Possible Emails
Email Address
Valid Since
January 1, 2014


Those who really are close to know you and your voice will know beyond a reasonable doubly that voice on these recordings are you.

[SND] 7207786795_2016-03-0..> 09-Mar-2016 16:49  575K  

And if for whatever unfortunate reason some one else stole your phone to place the call here [ or created a false CALLID information along that call ] to both back and forth establish your IDs on that number, even though it was not you --- in regards stealing your ID for this intended purposes, I will in fact forgive this incident upon the fact and make that responsibility of others outside of both of our controls.

But you and I both know that the odds of that are very very far reaching of the stretch to the truth.

If you had responded to my discussion on your Facebook private page and /or any other thing that I have attempted to communicate with... this conversation would begin as the Mpatapo binding demands.

Shall we continue to play silence is your statement you make on this agenda?

We are not playing that game Mr McClure, I guarantee it.  The information posted at your public memespace marked in domain naming space is very much posted as a consequence of REALITY BASED REPORTING that is actually from this side most @reauphuman to all things of the truth. 

There is actually no way to defend yourself against such binding but to actually converse with me.

There is actually no pursuit of civil or crime made here on this end against me when what was written and recorded in the complexity of this circumstances to include the recordings of call recorded conversations with my mother -- are very much real.

[DIR] Parent Directory                             -   
[SND] Mama - Fire Dancer_2..> 12-Mar-2016 09:05  9.5M  
[SND] Mama - Fire Dancer_2..> 12-Mar-2016 09:04   10M  

I have nothing further to disclose at this time.

I may in fact write a CERTIFIED LETTER TO:

Russell Mcclure

2319 Kodiak Rd

Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

I take it that you will REPLY NOW --- or do I need to proceed to what is showing as your JOB CAREER contact locations to get the Mpatapo Binding to follow into corrective conversation.?

  • Institute Director at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Institute Director at Church Educational System, Seminaries & Institutes of Religion at LDS Church
  • Seminaries & Institutes of Religion at LDS Church (since 1979)
  • Brigham Young University (1971 - 1993)

or contact your educational references to show what character of actives you have been following --- I am giving you one last 48 hour time period to respond to these messages here.

Thank you

Mr James M. Driskill
Awesome Kramobone Playroom : An Adult School of Adult Concepts and Consensual practices sharing and learning environment.
1005 Washington Street, Apt 112
Denver Colorado   80203
(720) 295-8286 --- The Number or called and harassed.

Officially in Google Maps as a SCHOOL:
Like I Said Mr Mcclure, I am not hiding in Dark Hidden Shadows like you are
Mr Mcclure.  I am out open to the world of understanding.,-104.9812955,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x876c7ed1254473f7:0x449e158e2f2adda

Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom

1005 Washington St, Denver, CO 80203


On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Real Up Human [.net] <> wrote:
Another set of Contacts that I exposed inline private

They also said they were going to stop....

This is all thanks to a nice litttle app on my phone called


Stop Harassing me --- or getting others to do your bidding

or stop doing to bidding of others unjustly who request these actions

against me -- whatever or whoever is the source. 

TELL THEM THEY ARE GOING to be FULLY INVESTIGATED though the DATA that I have collected through all of this harassment.

I guarantee it --- nothing but the truth is exposed to the world of all things

@realuphuman @Gruwup @fuckeduphuman

you should be ashamed of your actions.

I don't write from this identity very often.

Only showing what parts I have collected in this.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Real Up Human [.net] <> wrote:

This is the RESOLVE of the BACKGROUND cross referring data I have

On the contact [ Everette Jasper ] : This was all of the way back in July.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Everett { via CraigsList Post } (SMS) <>
Date: Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 3:56 AM
Subject: SMS from Everett { via CraigsList Post } [(720) 550-1344]
To:[omitted here]

Sorry never again


I exposed her less than I exposed you -- -and still the harassment has not stopped.

What am I am going to make of things?

Who is directing this attack at me?

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Real Up Human [.net] <> wrote:
A simple Sorry -- over an text exchange will not service this reassurance guarantee.


On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Real Up Human [.net] <> wrote: --- is a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS TO THE WORLD

Mr McClure:

Again it does not give me pleasure on having to write this email.

For every harasser that is harassing me into the future, they will be receiving
a copy of this email.

This can go away.... easy..

But it is by your desire to stop harassing me first and then reconciliation to the extent that I am satisfied with the resolute that it will not start up again in the future.

Do you hear me?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <>
Date: Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 1:54 PM
Subject: Facebook Messages : Why Russell.McClure is placed @Fuckeduphuman

You and Russell McClure aren't connected on Facebook
Lives in Fort Collins, Colorado