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Jonathan Mermin

5650 Elaine Dr

Zephyrhills, FL


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This section contains known aliases, birth information, and potential imposters gleaned from public records.


First Name Jonathan
Last Name Mermin

Birth Information

Age 65
Birth Date February 18, 1954
Astrological Sign Aquarius Check Relationship Compatibility

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Jonathan Harry Mermin

Age: 53 (approx.)

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Premium Data is Available!
Premium Data for Jonathan Mermin is available and could include potentially sensitive information. In order to view Premium Data, you must first authorize this access.
12 Data Points of Premium Information are Available
Premium Reports May Contain
  • Bankruptcy Filings
  • Properties Owned
  • Civil Judgments
  • Tax Liens
  • Foreclosures
  • Corporate Affiliations
  • Evictions
  • Concealed Carry Permits
  • Trademarks
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Contact Information
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Contact Information
This section contains phone numbers, previous phone number and email addresses associated with Jonathan Mermin.
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We're sorry, available public records do not currently contain Phone Numbers for Jonathan Mermin.
We will add this data as soon as it becomes available.
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Location History
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Location History
This section includes all of the locations related to this person. Locations listed may include current residence, past residences, and places of work.

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Lake Bernadette Gardens
5650 Elaine Dr, Zephyrhills, FL 33541-1923
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Criminal Records
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Criminal Records
DISCLAIMER: The criminal record information contained in our reports may not be 100% accurate or complete. This is because the information is pulled from records maintained by government agencies and the information contained in those records may not be 100% accurate or complete. Please use this information as a starting point for your own due diligence and investigation.

We didn't find any likely criminal records for Jonathan Mermin but we did find some that COULD belong to Jonathan. Click the orange buttons below to view these records.

Show Less Likely Matches

We uncovered 1 less likely criminal records, that match Jonathan's First and Last name, but may not match Middle name and Date of birth.

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name

Unlikely Criminal Record Matches

Match Rating Based On:
First Name
Last Name

Jonathan Harny Mermin
Dec. 15, 1991
OR Admin Office Of Courts (Oregon)
Improper T Repealed/Renumbered
OR Admin Office Of Courts
Personal Details
Jonathan Harny Mermin
Po Box 11382, Stanford, CA 94309
Dec. 15, 1991 - Offense - Improper T Repealed/Renumbered
Dec. 15, 1991
Dec. 16, 1991
Improper T Repealed/Renumbered
Offense Infraction
DJOS 915171DEF00001
Josephine County Courts
Bail Forfeiture
Dec. 24, 1991

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Sex Offender Information
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Sex Offender Information
This section displays the names, locations, and offenses of individuals charged with sex crimes living in close proximity to the location. Individuals listed below may have been charged with sex crimes as indicated. We make no representation as to the current status of these individuals. Some individuals listed below may no longer be required to register or report to state sex offender registries.

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This section contains possible licenses that we have found for Jonathan Mermin. Possible data may include FAA pilot licenses and DEA licenses for prescribing controlled pharmaceuticals.

Our extensive public records search did not uncover professional licenses for Jonathan Mermin.

There are 618,660 FAA certified pilots in the U.S.
That's less than 0.2% of the population.

So, if FAA license information doesn't show up here, Jonathan Mermin may not have one.

'0' Results Found

But remember, we refresh our databases every 24 hours. If we uncover new licenses for Jonathan Mermin, we can add that data ASAP!


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Uncover Jonathan Mermin's Bankruptcies, Judgments, and Liens
1 Data Point of Premium Bankruptcies, Judgments, UCC Filings, and Liens Information is Available

Is Jonathan Mermin trustworthy? We've uncovered records that may indicate a person with the name "Jonathan Mermin" has had problems with money in the past. Bankruptcies, judgments, and liens can only be revealed after you give authorization. In just moments, you can discover if Jonathan Mermin may be irresponsible. Click the button below to reveal these records.

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Viewing these reports could help you learn even more about Jonathan’s background.

Relative of Jonathan Mermin
Jonathan Harry Mermin
53 years old
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Jonathan Mermin's Timeline
Jonathan Mermin 4 events
1954 1 event
Feb. 18, 1954
Birth Record
Born Jonathan Mermin (Aquarius)
1965 1 event
Aug. 1, 1965
Relative Birth Record
Relative (Possibly their Sibling or Spouse) Jonathan Harry Mermin was Born (approx. Aug. 1, 1965 - Aug. 31, 1965)
2009 1 event
Oct. 30, 2009
Premium Bankruptcy Record
Potential Bankruptcy Found in Premium Report!

'Upgrade to Premium' to view more details about this and other premium events.

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2015 1 event
Feb. 13, 2015
Possible Location Record
First Seen at Residential Address 5650 Elaine Dr, Zephyrhills, FL 33541-1923
Check Your Relationship Compatibility

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Jonathan Mermin is an Aquarius

Aquarius Personality: This air sign is highly imaginative and deeply intuitive. Aquarians are creative intellectuals who are driven by an inner moral compass. These signs have a passion for social justice, and they are always looking for ways to give back and help others. This sign is the ultimate humanitarian and will always think on a global scale. Getting an Aquarius to focus on just one person may be a challenge, as these signs never want to feel weighed down by heavy feelings.

and Compatibility Results:


Compatibility Score: /6

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